Public deliverables
Following list presents an overview of LASSIE-FP7 public deliverables (including the leading partner and delivery month). Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of project deliverables and only public deliverables are available here. They will be accessible via hyperlink in .pdf format.
Public are only the following deliverables within Work Package 7 (Public awareness and results exploitation):
- D7.1 Dissemination strategy and procedures prepared (AMI, M4)
- D7.1 Dissemination strategy and procedures prepared (AMI, M22 update)
- D7.2 Development and maintenance of LASSIE webpage (AMI, M5)
- D7.3 International LASSIE competition on new applications (AMI, M32)
- D7.4 Final LASSIE conference / workshop (AMI, M36)
- D7.7 Recommendations to Zhaga specifications and activity towards CIE standards for large area luminaires + Appendix 2: Zhaga Book 1 & Book 7 (REGENT, M24)
- D7.7 Recommendations to Zhaga specifications and activity towards CIE standards for large area luminaires (REGENT, M36 update)