From our work
- Tesla2 pilot R2R testing machine
- EVO2200 R2R pilot assembly machine
- Large area LED-based SSL
- Large area printable SSL
- Optical images from MPW
- Lfoundry chip
- Scanning electron image of nanostructure
LASSIE-FP7 First Conceptual Demonstrator
LASSIE-FP7 Final workshop, 12 December 2016
LASSIE-FP7 M30 Meeting, Avezzano, 7 July 2016
LASSIE-FP7 Workshop at the University of L’Aquila, 6 July 2016
LASSIE-FP7 M24 meeting, Oulu, 14 – 15 January 2016
LASSIE-FP7 at SSSL/CSEM stand at LED-Forum 2016, Kongresshaus Zurich, 15 January 2016
- Photo of the stand showed up in Luxlumina n.14, page 90